I offer 1:1 Supervision for osteopaths and anybody working in the helping professions.

I provide a confidential safe and reflective space in which practitioners can talk about any aspect of their work.

Having greatly benefited from having my own regular Supervision I looked into training as a Supervisor myself in order to encourage and support other osteopaths and health care providers and thoroughly enjoyed Supervision for the Helping Professions run by The Centre for Supervision and Team Development in London. I am happy to hold the Certificate in Supervision.


The training to become a Supervisor draws on psychology, psychotherapy, group dynamics, inter-subjectivity, appreciative enquiry and systems training.

Supervision often has a negative image to do with being judged, managed or inspected in some way by a senior person. This is not my experience. True Supervision is actually a creative container that is safe, supportive and exciting.

For the time that I am with my Supervisor she has as much interest and excitement about me and my work and my patients as I have. To have this much positive attention about my life, work and my patients is truly empowering. I hope I provide this for my supervisees also.

I am a member of The Independent Supervisors Network


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